January 30, 2021

Important COVID-19 Vaccine Information

Important COVID-19 Vaccine Information To our patients 75 and over: Starting Feb 1st, you are eligible to get the free COVID-19 vaccine. We will be in touch soon with details on how to set up your appointment. Please continue to stay safe with face masks, social distancing, and hand-washing.

Información importante sobre la vacuna contra el COVID-19  Para nuestros pacientes de 75 años o más: A partir del 1 de febrero, son elegibles para recibir la vacuna contra el COVID-19. Estaremos en contacto con usted próximamente con más detalles sobre cómo hacer una cita. Por favor continúe protegiéndose con las mascarillas, el distanciamiento social y lavándose las manos a menudo.

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October 10, 2020

Virtual Healing: The State of Telemedicine During the Pandemic

“Although we live in an age and place in the Merrimack Valley where cellphones, tablets, computers and smart devices are commonplace and virtual medicine has seemed like a tangible idea to many, the leap from in-center to telephonic and virtual medicine had never materialized. Then an unfathomable crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, came along.”

October 21, 2020

Lowell non-profits recognized for holistic approach in meeting clients’ needs

“It took months of repeated contact for Maria Carmen Bedard and a coworker to help a homeless man suffering from alcoholism and other illness to get the treatment he needed. Like many of the patients that Bedard, clinical manager at Lowell Community Health Center, approaches through the organization’s Behavioral Health Community Partners program, he was skeptical at first.”

August 18, 2020

‘They recognize their value and embrace them’

“When Karen Peugh first visited Life Connection Center, she was amazed by the nonprofit’s approach to its care for the city’s homeless population. She was touched that the organization provided a plated, wait- service meal for its visitors. ‘To have people wait on them and serve them is very unique, and their approach … it’s about the individual and helping them to realize and remember that they still matter to their communities,’ said Peugh, senior director of integrated care management at Lowell Community Health Center.”

July 29, 2020

Congreswoman Lori Trahan Announces $665K in Federal Funding for Lowell Community Health Center

LOWELL, MA – Today, Congresswoman Lori Trahan applauded the awarding of $665,000 in federal funding to support the Lowell Community Health Center. The funding, to be dispersed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service, will be used to reduce health disparities of the Southeast Asian and LatinX populations of Lowell.

July 21, 2020

Is racism a public health crisis? Lowell’s mostly white City Council says no

“Political leaders who proudly promote this city’s rich diversity with annual festivals celebrating cultures of origin from Southeast Asia to Africa were taken aback last month when their “listening session” on race elicited residents’ painful experiences with racism right here in Lowell.”

July 11, 2020

Experts say racism impacts public health

“David Turcotte and a team of collaborators have compiled and published the Greater Lowell Community Health Needs Assessment every three years since 2013. The lengthy document probes factors influencing residents’ health, like housing, education and employment. It analyses public health data and identifies residents in the community with the highest risk.”

July 13, 2020

An open letter from physician leaders at Lowell Community Health Center

“As physician leaders in our Greater Lowell community, we are dedicated to taking care of patients across the entire life spectrum. Throughout the course of our practice, we have had the opportunity to hear thousands of patient stories about their lives, their conditions, their struggles and their accomplishments. As part of these stories, one thing becomes quite certain — the intersection of race and health cannot and should not be ignored.”

June 29, 2020

Clinic gets children ‘back on track’ with vaccines

“As COVID-19 spread across the region, Vanessa Perez worried that her 16-month-old daughter would not receive important vaccines on time. The last time the Lowell resident and her daughter, Jeyla Aponte, had visited the Lowell Community Health Center was shortly after Aponte turned a year old in February. Then, amid the pandemic, the health center shifted most visits to telehealth, and stopped administering pediatric vaccines. Aponte needed her 15-month vaccines and blood work, Perez said.”

June 20, 2020

Is racism a public health crisis in Lowell?

“A group of local organizations, businesses and community members is asking the city of Lowell to follow Boston Mayor Marty Walsh’s lead and declare racism a public health crisis.

‘His actions lay bare what we know to be true: we cannot address structural racism and inequities in our City by sticking to the status quo,’ according to the letter. ‘Instead, we must take decisive steps towards change. We strongly urge you to join the City of Boston in declaring racism a public health crisis and commit to addressing it immediately.'”