Shannon Alper
Bachelor of Arts, Psychology and Women’s Studies, University of New Hampshire (UNH), 2017
Master of Social Work (MSW), Simmons University, 2022
Shannon is a Licensed Certified Social worker (LCSW) currently working as a Behavioral Health Clinician in both the OBGYN and Behavioral Health Services Departments. Shannon has primarily worked in outpatient settings and has worked advocating with survivors of domestic and sexualized violence. Shannon is passionate when it comes to supporting people in identifying and achieving their goals utilizing an empowerment model and person-centered approach.
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When you become a patient at Lowell CHC, you can expect a community centered, culturally rooted approach to wellness that puts you and your family first. Our providers offer truly integrated care, supported by the latest treatments and technology.
Lowell Community Health Center
161 Jackson Street
Lowell, MA 01852
Main Number: 978.937.9700
Pharmacy: 978.805.1004
Lab: 978.942.2103
Lowell CHC is a Health Center Program grantee under 42 USC 254b and an FTCA-deemed facility.
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